Every village and city in the South of Spain (Andalucia) celebrates it's own Feria, a yearly returning celebration of Southern Spanish culture. In the village where we live, the Feria is in may and it is a BIG fiesta! In the streets and squares people are dancing, mostly Sevillanas, a form of Flamenco dancing originating in Seville. Women are dressed in traditional Flamenco dresses and the streets look very colorful. In the evening (and for Spanish people this means starting at about 22.00 o'clock!) there is a huge fair at the 'recinto ferial' a large area just outside the centre, that every village has. The fair is full of roller coasters, merry go rounds etc., stalls with food and drinks and very loud music. And there are 'casetas', large tents where there are performances of local dancing schools and musicians. And more drinks...
I have been taking Sevillanas classes for a year and a half now, so I dared to try a few Sevillanas in the church square with my fellow students. I dressed up in black and red, put a large flower and red comb in my hair and wore the bag I especially crocheted for this occasion:

Hasta luego!